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   We offer a wide range of courses suitable to fit all owners and clients needs.  We train any dogs regardless of their age or breed.  We use Skinners Operant Conditioning for the best results with our clients.  Using positive and negative reinforcement and consequence is a way that we can shape and alter the behavior in dogs in the short term and for the rest of their life.  All training comes with updates of the clients via social media, emailed tutorials of the sessions, and lifetime support.  


Basic Obedience: For dogs of any ages who need to learn sit, down, come, stay, leash manners, place. 

 1 hour sessions for 4-6 weeks 

Advanced Obedience: Take your dogs training to the next level with our advanced program.  Here your dog will learn off-leash training, heel, take/drop it and leave it

*Must have basic obedience already before going into this session*

1 hour sessions for 4-6 weeks

Dog Walker
Image by Pedro Sanz


For owners who want to train their dog themselves.  We have a series of zoom meetings to talk about what your expectations of the dog are and what we need to train to accomplish this.  


Get you and your dog ready for the Canine Good Citizen certification or any other therapy dog certifications. This does not include service dog training or qualifying your dog to be an ESA.

Vizsla Dogs
Image by Angelo CARNIATO


We work with any dog and any behavioral issue great or small. We specialize in aggressive and fearful dogs and helping them grow to become a well-balance, polite, family member. This program is personalized to you and your dog


   Sporting dogs like agility or dock diving or for the dogs that like to show off when you have guests over. Whether you want them to jump through a hoop, grab you a beer, or do a little dance we can train it.

Dog Contest
Services: Services
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