For the last 10 years I have been training dogs from all walks of life. I use a hybrid training approach for most dogs. I believe positive training is successful for most dogs and can last a long time, especially with training younger dogs. In some cases when positive-only does not benefit the dog or the owner, I will use temporary training tools to recieve successful results. When I started this journey at the animal shelter I noticed that owners and their dogs miscommunicate, leading the owner to believe they have a “bad” dog. Working through these miscommunications and giving the owners the skill set they need to understand their dogs needs results in strengthening their bond. Working out aggressive or timid behaviors leads a canine to adapt to become man’s best friend. On top of this I work with many different types of working dogs, I have taught obedience courses at a daycare, trained service dogs, and worked with award winning agility dogs. Before moving to Nashville I started a business in Columbus called Prime Pup Academy. It was strictly obedience training and working hand-in hand with the owner. I closed that after a year to move and create my dream life here in Nashville, TN. I graduated Otterbein University with a B.S. in Psychology, focus in Animal Behavior. I set out to learn canine cognition, how a dogs mind processes and communicates information. I have trained my own dog as a therapy dog and canine good citizen. I have six pets of my own; a standard poodle named Nova, and two cats, Sweetman and Bodhi, along with two turtles and a frog.